Wir vertrauen auch zukünftig voll und ganz auf die Qualitäten von SuperOffice

Die Herausforderung
Dräger is precursor in product development and production of medical- and safety technologies. The company was founded in 1889 in Lübeck and it has been a family company for five generations. Nowadays it has grown to a globally operating and publicly listed enterprise.
Ein Projekt von SuperOffice Benelux (www.superoffice.nl)
As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dräger develops innovative equipment and solutions that people the world over trust when lives are on the line. In clinical settings, industry, mining and emergency services, Dräger products protect, support and save lives. “Technology for Life” means more than merely guaranteeing technical excellence. It means assuming responsibility for the lives of those who use our products and depend on them.
“Technology for life”. With this guideline and mission Dräger works on innovative products for hospitals, industry, mining and service. Dräger is located in the Benelux in Zoetermeer and Wemmel (Belgium). In 2005 there was need for a professional CRM-solution that would be available at both locations. After a thorough orientation we found SuperOffice. Not only was the quality of the system, but also the usability a major factor for choosing SuperOffice. We used to work with in-company software, but because of the growth of the company we wanted to optimize automation. There was also a wish for a link with Outlook and our ERP.
Dräger hat sein Software Portfolio mit SuperOffice Customer Service ergänzt um den Kundenservice weiter auszubauen.
Die Lösung
The usability of SuperOffice compared to other providers was a great advantage; our employees didn’t get stuck with a complicated program, but got a user friendly application at their disposal. Therefore it didn’t cost much time for broad support in the company.
The implementation was finished within three months. It usually takes more time to get familiar with the new way of working when a new system is being implemented.
Der Erfolg
Dräger handles a small group of high profile customers. The number of hospitals in Holland and Belgium, for example, isn’t big. The advantage of this is that we know our customers very well.
The solution that we wanted was a link of projects to our contacts; per hospital there are usually multiple projects on different departments. Also on other areas SuperOffice offers custom made solutions; through a link between SAP and SuperOffice we get a good view of the installed base of our customers. In 2011 Dräger extended their software package with Customer Service by SuperOffice to optimize their service towards customers even more. The implementation of this service tool offers the helpdesk a possibility to effectively register and helps them to quickly process incoming requests or problems from hospitals that are send to us per mail. Because of the good results that are being achieved right now, we also fully trust on the service and quality of SuperOffice in the future.
Der Kundennutzen auf einen Blick
- Übersicht über die Installationen dank SAP-Anbindung
- Erweiterte Nutzbarkeit dank der Customer Service Erweiterung
- Einfache und nutzenfreundliche Software
- Komplette Informationen über Aktivitäten und vollständige Kundeninfortmationen in allen Niederlassungen
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